J1939 Documentation
Version 4.16.00
No Matches
cp_core.h File Reference

Detailed Description

The core functions provide the direct interface to the CAN controller (hardware). Please note that due to hardware limitations maybe certain functions are not implemented on the target platform. A call to an unsupported function will always return the error code eCP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED.

For a "FullCAN" controller (i.e. a CAN controller that has several message buffers) an extended set of powerful functions (CpCoreBuffer..())is provided.

Initialisation Process

The CAN driver is initialised with the function CpCoreDriverInit(). This routine will setup the CAN controller, but not configure a certain bitrate nor switch the CAN controller to active operation. The following core functions must be called in that order:

The function CpCoreDriverInit() must be called before any other core function in order to have a valid handle / pointer to the open CAN interface.


void MyCanInit(void)
CpPort_ts tsCanPortT; // logical CAN port
// setup the CAN controller / open a physical CAN
// port
// setup 500 kBit/s
// start CAN operation
CpCoreCanMode(&tsCanPortT, eCP_MODE_START);
//.. now we are operational
Definition canpie.h:677
Definition canpie.h:642
Definition canpie.h:732
CpStatus_tv CpCoreCanMode(CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubModeV)
Set state of CAN controller.
CpStatus_tv CpCoreBitrate(CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, int32_t slNomBitRateV, int32_t slDatBitRateV)
Set bit-rate of CAN controller.
CpStatus_tv CpCoreDriverInit(uint8_t ubPhyIfV, CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubConfigV)
Initialise the CAN driver.

Driver Configuration

Each CANpie FD driver is individually configured, the CANpie FD configuration options are defined inside the cp_platform.h file.

+ Include dependency graph for cp_core.h:


CpStatus_tv CpCoreBitrate (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, int32_t slNomBitRateV, int32_t slDatBitRateV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferConfig (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV, uint32_t ulIdentifierV, uint32_t ulAcceptMaskV, uint8_t ubFormatV, uint8_t ubDirectionV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferGetData (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV, uint8_t *pubDestDataV, uint8_t ubStartPosV, uint8_t ubSizeV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferGetDlc (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV, uint8_t *pubDlcV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferRelease (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferSend (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferSetData (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV, uint8_t *pubSrcDataV, uint8_t ubStartPosV, uint8_t ubSizeV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferSetDlc (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV, uint8_t ubDlcV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreCanMode (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubModeV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreCanState (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, CpState_ts *ptsStateV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreDriverInit (uint8_t ubPhyIfV, CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubConfigV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreDriverRelease (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreFifoConfig (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV, CpFifo_ts *ptsFifoV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreFifoRead (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV, CpCanMsg_ts *ptsCanMsgV, uint32_t *pulMsgCntV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreFifoRelease (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreFifoWrite (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV, CpCanMsg_ts *ptsCanMsgV, uint32_t *pulMsgCntV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreHDI (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, CpHdi_ts *ptsHdiV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreIntFunctions (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, CpRcvHandler_Fn pfnRcvHandlerV, CpTrmHandler_Fn pfnTrmHandlerV, CpErrHandler_Fn pfnErrHandlerV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreStatistic (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, CpStatistic_ts *ptsStatsV)
CpStatus_tv CpCoreStatisticClear (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV)

Function Documentation

◆ CpCoreBitrate()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreBitrate ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
int32_t slNomBitRateV,
int32_t slDatBitRateV )

Set bit-rate of CAN controller.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]slNomBitRateVNominal Bit Timing selection
[in]slDatBitRateVData Bit Timing selection
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function initializes the bit timing registers of a CAN controller to pre-defined values. The values are defined by the enumeration CpBitrate_e. For a classical CAN controller (or if bit-rate switching is not required) the parameter slDatBitRateV is set to eCP_BITRATE_NONE.

◆ CpCoreBufferConfig()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferConfig ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV,
uint32_t ulIdentifierV,
uint32_t ulAcceptMaskV,
uint8_t ubFormatV,
uint8_t ubDirectionV )

Initialise message buffer.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
[in]ulIdentifierVIdentifier value
[in]ulAcceptMaskVAcceptance mask value
[in]ubFormatVMessage format
[in]ubDirectionVMessage direction
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.
See also

This function allocates a message buffer in a CAN controller. The number of the message buffer inside the CAN controller is denoted via the parameter ubBufferIdxV. The first buffer starts at position eCP_BUFFER_1. The message buffer is allocated with the identifier value ulIdentifierV. If the buffer is used for reception (parameter ubDirectionV is eCP_BUFFER_DIR_RCV), the parameter ulAcceptMaskV is used for acceptance filtering.

The parameter ubFormatV can have the following values:

The following example shows the setup of a transmit buffer

An allocated transmit buffer can be sent via the function CpCoreBufferSend().

The function initialises the DLC value of a message buffer to 0, a subsequent call of CpCoreBufferSetDlc() is necessary to change the default value.

◆ CpCoreBufferGetData()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferGetData ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV,
uint8_t * pubDestDataV,
uint8_t ubStartPosV,
uint8_t ubSizeV )

Get data from message buffer.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
[out]pubDestDataVPointer to destination data buffer
[in]ubStartPosVArray start position
[in]ubSizeVNumber of bytes to read
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

The functions copies ubSizeV data bytes from the CAN message buffer defined by ubBufferIdxV. The first message buffer starts at the index eCP_BUFFER_1. The parameter ubStartPosV denotes the start position, the first data byte is at position 0. The destination buffer (pointer pubDestDataV) must have sufficient space for the data. The buffer has to be configured by CpCoreBufferConfig() in advance.

◆ CpCoreBufferGetDlc()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferGetDlc ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV,
uint8_t * pubDlcV )

Get DLC of specified buffer.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
[out]pubDlcVData Length Code
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function retrieves the Data Length Code (DLC) of the selected buffer ubBufferIdxV. The first message buffer starts at the index eCP_BUFFER_1. The parameter pubDlcV is a pointer to a memory location where the function will store the DLC value on success. The buffer has to be configured by CpCoreBufferConfig() in advance.

◆ CpCoreBufferRelease()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferRelease ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV )

Release message buffer.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.
See also

The function releases the allocated message buffer specified by the parameter ubBufferIdxV. The first message buffer starts at the index eCP_BUFFER_1. Both - reception and transmission - will be disabled on the specified message buffer afterwards.

◆ CpCoreBufferSend()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferSend ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV )

Send message from message buffer.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVIndex of message buffer
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function transmits a message from the specified message buffer ubBufferIdxV. The first message buffer starts at the index eCP_BUFFER_1. The message buffer has to be configured as transmit buffer (eCP_BUFFER_DIR_TRM) by a call to CpCoreBufferConfig() in advance. A transmission request on a receive buffer will fail with the return code eCP_ERR_INIT_FAIL.

◆ CpCoreBufferSetData()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferSetData ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV,
uint8_t * pubSrcDataV,
uint8_t ubStartPosV,
uint8_t ubSizeV )

Set data of message buffer.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
[in]pubSrcDataVPointer to source data buffer
[in]ubStartPosVArray start position
[in]ubSizeVNumber of bytes to write
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function copies ubSizeV data bytes from the source buffer (pointer pubSrcDataV) into the message buffer defined by the parameter ubBufferIdxV. The first message buffer starts at the index eCP_BUFFER_1. The parameter ubStartPosV denotes the start position, the first data byte is at position 0. The message buffer has to be configured by CpCoreBufferConfig() in advance.

The following example demonstrates the access to the data bytes of a CAN message:

uint8_t aubDataT[8]; // buffer for 8 bytes
aubDataT[0] = 0x11; // byte 0: set to 11hex
aubDataT[1] = 0x22; // byte 1: set to 22hex
//--- copy the stuff to message buffer 1 ---------------
CpCoreBufferSetData(ptsCanPortS, eCP_BUFFER_1, &aubDataT, 0, 2);
//--- send this message out ----------------------------
Definition canpie.h:899
CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferSetData(CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV, uint8_t *pubSrcDataV, uint8_t ubStartPosV, uint8_t ubSizeV)
Set data of message buffer.
CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferSend(CpPort_ts *ptsPortV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV)
Send message from message buffer.

◆ CpCoreBufferSetDlc()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreBufferSetDlc ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV,
uint8_t ubDlcV )

Set DLC of specified buffer.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
[in]ubDlcVData Length Code
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function sets the Data Length Code (DLC) of the specified message buffer ubBufferIdxV. The DLC value ubDlcV must be in the range from 0 to 8 for Classical CAN frames and 0 to 15 for ISO CAN FD frames. An invalid DLC value is rejected with the return value eCP_ERR_CAN_DLC. The message buffer has to be configured by a call to CpCoreBufferConfig() in advance.

◆ CpCoreCanMode()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreCanMode ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubModeV )

Set state of CAN controller.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubModeVMode selection
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function changes the operating mode of the CAN controller FSA. Possible values for the parameter ubModeV are defined in the CpMode_e enumeration. At least the modes eCP_MODE_INIT and eCP_MODE_OPERATION shall be supported. Other modes depend on the capabilities of the CAN controller.

CAN controller FSA

◆ CpCoreCanState()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreCanState ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
CpState_ts * ptsStateV )

Retrieve state of CAN controller.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[out]ptsStateVPointer to CAN state structure
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function retrieves the present state of the CAN controller. The parameter ptsStateV is a pointer to a memory location where the function will store the state. The value of the structure element CpState_ts::ubCanErrState is defined by the CpState_e enumeration. The value of the structure element CpState_ts::ubCanErrType is defined by the CpErrType_e enumeration.

◆ CpCoreDriverInit()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreDriverInit ( uint8_t ubPhyIfV,
CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubConfigV )

Initialise the CAN driver.

[in]ubPhyIfVCAN channel of the hardware
[out]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubConfigVThis parameter is reserved for future enhancement
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.
See also

The functions opens the physical CAN interface defined by the parameter ubPhyIfV. The value for ubPhyIfV is taken from the enumeration CpChannel_e. The function sets up the field members of the CAN port structure CpPort_ts. The parameter ptsPortV is a pointer to a memory location where structure CpPort_ts is stored. An opened CAN port must be closed via the CpCoreDriverRelease() function.

◆ CpCoreDriverRelease()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreDriverRelease ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV)

Release the CAN driver.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.
See also

The function closes a CAN port. The parameter ptsPortV is a pointer to a memory location where structure CpPort_ts is stored. The implementation of this function is dependent on the operating system. Typical tasks might be:

  • clear the interrupt vector / routine
  • close all open paths to the hardware

◆ CpCoreFifoConfig()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreFifoConfig ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV,
CpFifo_ts * ptsFifoV )

Assign FIFO to message buffer.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
[in]ptsFifoVPointer to FIFO structure
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function assigns a FIFO to a message buffer defined by the parameter ubBufferIdxV. The first message buffer starts at the index eCP_BUFFER_1. The buffer has to be configured by CpCoreBufferConfig() in advance. The parameter ptsFifoV is a pointer to a memory location where a FIFO has been initialized using the CpFifoInit() function.

The following example shows the configuration of a receive FIFO

◆ CpCoreFifoRead()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreFifoRead ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV,
CpCanMsg_ts * ptsCanMsgV,
uint32_t * pulMsgCntV )

Read a CAN message from FIFO.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
[out]ptsCanMsgVPointer to a CAN message structure
[in,out]pulMsgCntVPointer to message count variable
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function reads CAN messages from a receive FIFO defined by the parameter ubBufferIdxV. The first message buffer starts at the index eCP_BUFFER_1. The FIFO has to be configured by CpCoreFifoConfig() in advance. The parameter ptsCanMsgV is a pointer to the application buffer as array of CpCanMsg_ts objects to store the received CAN messages. The parameter pulMsgCntV is a pointer to a memory location which has to be initialized before the call to the size of the buffer referenced by ptsCanMsgV as multiple of CpCanMsg_ts objects. Upon return, the driver has stored the number of messages copied into the application buffer into this parameter.

The following example shows a read operation from a receive FIFO

◆ CpCoreFifoRelease()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreFifoRelease ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV )

Release FIFO from message buffer.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function releases an assigned FIFO from a message buffer defined by the parameter ubBufferIdxV. The first message buffer starts at the index eCP_BUFFER_1. The FIFO has to be configured by CpCoreFifoConfig() in advance.

◆ CpCoreFifoWrite()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreFifoWrite ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
uint8_t ubBufferIdxV,
CpCanMsg_ts * ptsCanMsgV,
uint32_t * pulMsgCntV )

Transmit a CAN message.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
[in]ptsCanMsgVPointer to a CAN message structure
[in,out]pulMsgCntVPointer to message count variable
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function writes CAN messages to a transmit FIFO defined by the parameter ubBufferIdxV. The first message buffer starts at the index eCP_BUFFER_1. The FIFO has to be configured by CpCoreFifoConfig() in advance. The parameter ptsCanMsgV is a pointer to the application buffer as array of CpCanMsg_ts objects which contain the CAN messages that should be transmitted. The parameter pulMsgCntV is a pointer to a memory location which has to be initialized before the call to the size of the buffer referenced by ptsCanMsgV as multiple of CpCanMsg_ts objects. Upon return, the driver has stored the number of messages transmitted successfully into this parameter.

◆ CpCoreHDI()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreHDI ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
CpHdi_ts * ptsHdiV )

Get hardware description information.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[out]ptsHdiVPointer to the Hardware Description Interface structure (CpHdi_ts)
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function retrieves information about the CAN interface. The parameter ptsHdiV is a pointer to a memory location where the function will store the information.

◆ CpCoreIntFunctions()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreIntFunctions ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
CpRcvHandler_Fn pfnRcvHandlerV,
CpTrmHandler_Fn pfnTrmHandlerV,
CpErrHandler_Fn pfnErrHandlerV )

Install callback functions.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]pfnRcvHandlerVPointer to callback function for receive handler
[in]pfnTrmHandlerVPointer to callback function for transmit handler
[in]pfnErrHandlerVPointer to callback function for error handler
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function will install three different callback routines in the interrupt handler. If you do not want to install a callback for a certain interrupt condition the parameter must be set to NULL. The callback functions for receive and transmit interrupt have the following syntax: uint8_t Handler(CpCanMsg_ts * ptsCanMsgV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV)

The callback function for the CAN status-change / error interrupt has the following syntax: uint8_t Handler(CpState_ts * ptsErrV)

◆ CpCoreStatistic()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreStatistic ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV,
CpStatistic_ts * ptsStatsV )

Read CAN controller statistics.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
[in]ptsStatsVPointer to statistic data structure
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function copies CAN statistic information to the structure pointed by ptsStatsV.

◆ CpCoreStatisticClear()

CpStatus_tv CpCoreStatisticClear ( CpPort_ts * ptsPortV)

Clear CAN controller statistics.

[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
Error code is defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function clears CAN controller statistics.