CANopen Slave Documentation
Version 6.16.04
No Matches
cp_nrl.h File Reference

Detailed Description

The purpose of the Network Redundancy Layer (NRL) is the duplication of CAN frames between the application and the CAN interfaces for transmission, as well as the de-duplication of CAN frames between the CAN interfaces and the application for reception. As such, the CAN traffic on both CAN lines is intended to be identical.

The NRL functions provide an additional layer between an existing CANpie FD driver that supports at least two physical CAN interfaces and an application using the API (e.g. CANopen or J1939). From the application point of view no changes of the existing CANpie FD API have to be considered.

The NRL is initialized with the function CpNrlRegisterDriver(). This function will setup the internal driver structure, but not initialise the CAN controller, configure a certain bit-rate nor switch the CAN controller to active operation. The following core functions must be called in that order:

// Register driver on logical NRL channel 1:
// CAN interface 1 is DCL, CAN interface 2 is RCL
// Register event handler between NRL and application
CpNrlRegisterHandler(eCP_NRL_CHANNEL_1, MyStateChangeHandler);
// Configure deviation limit 4
// Configure mailbox timeout to 10 ms
Definition canpie.h:735
Definition canpie.h:732
CpStatus_tv CpNrlSetDeviationLimit(uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, uint8_t ubLimitV)
CpStatus_tv CpNrlRegisterDriver(uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, uint8_t ubPhyIfDclV, uint8_t ubPhyIfRclV, CpNrlDriver_ts *ptsNrlDriverV)
Definition cp_nrl.h:257
CpStatus_tv CpNrlSetTimeout(uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, uint32_t ulMicroSecondsV)
CpStatus_tv CpNrlRegisterHandler(uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, CpNrlStateHandler_Fn pfnStateHandlerV)

The NRL configuration options allow to change options during compilation of the NRL.

Interface between NRL and CANpie FD driver

The following diagram gives an overview to functions used for providing a defined interface between the NRL and a CANpie FD driver.

Interface to CANpie FD driver

Using the NRL in non-redundant mode

The NRL can be started in non-redundant mode, i.e. only one CAN interface is used for communication. This mode allows the application to disable the functionality of the NRL during run-time. In non-redundant mode the NRL is a transparent layer between the CANpie FD driver and the application. The non-redundant mode is started by passing a value of eCP_CHANNEL_NONE for the physical interface of Redundant CAN Line upon registration.

// Register driver on logical NRL channel 1, but in non-redundant mode
// CAN interface 1 is used for application
Definition canpie.h:729
+ Include dependency graph for cp_nrl.h:

Data Structures

struct  CpNrlDriver_s
struct  CpNrlState_s
struct  CpNrlCoreData_s


#define CP_NRL_TIMER_PERIOD   1000
#define CP_NRL_SUPPORT   0


typedef void(* CpNrlStateHandler_Fn) (uint8_t ubNrlStateV)


enum  CpNrlChannel_e {
  eCP_NRL_CHANNEL_1 = 1 ,
  eCP_NRL_CHANNEL_2 = 2 ,
enum  CpNrlFault_e {
enum  CpNrlLine_e {
  eCP_NRL_LINE_DCL = 0 ,
  eCP_NRL_LINE_RCL = 1 ,
enum  CpNrlState_e {


int16_t CpNrlMboxCounter (uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV)
bool_t CpNrlMboxCounterEvent (uint8_t ubPhyIfV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV)
bool_t CpNrlMboxFlush (CpPort_ts *ptsPortV)
void CpNrlMboxTickEvent (void)
bool_t CpNrlMboxTickLoad (uint8_t ubPhyIfV, uint8_t ubBufferIdxV)
CpNrlCoreData_tsCpNrlCoreData (uint8_t ubPhyIfV)
CpStatus_tv CpNrlRegisterDriver (uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, uint8_t ubPhyIfDclV, uint8_t ubPhyIfRclV, CpNrlDriver_ts *ptsNrlDriverV)
CpStatus_tv CpNrlRegisterHandler (uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, CpNrlStateHandler_Fn pfnStateHandlerV)
CpStatus_tv CpNrlRegisterConnectionService (uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, uint32_t ulIdentifierV, uint8_t ubFormatV)
CpStatus_tv CpNrlSendConnectionService (uint8_t ubNrlChannelV)
CpStatus_tv CpNrlSetDeviationLimit (uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, uint8_t ubLimitV)
CpStatus_tv CpNrlSetRecoveryTime (uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, uint32_t ulMicroSecondsV)
CpStatus_tv CpNrlSetTimeout (uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, uint32_t ulMicroSecondsV)
CpStatus_tv CpNrlState (uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, CpNrlState_ts *ptsStateV)
void CpNrlTimerEvent (uint8_t ubNrlChannelV)


CpNrlDriver_ts tsNrlDriverG

Macro Definition Documentation



This symbol defines the maximum value which can be used for the deviation limit (refer to CpNrlSetDeviationLimit).

Typedef Documentation

◆ CpNrlStateHandler_Fn

typedef void(* CpNrlStateHandler_Fn) (uint8_t ubNrlStateV)

Handler for NRL state machine change event.

[in]ubNrlStateVCurrent state of NRL

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CpNrlChannel_e

NRL channel definitions.

A CAN device can have up to two logical NRL channel, each having two physical CAN interfaces. In default configuration (CP_NRL_CHANNEL_MAX = 0) the value of eCP_NRL_CHANNEL_LIMIT is set to eCP_NRL_CHANNEL_NONE, otherwise it is set to the appropriate enumeration value.


NRL channel invalid


NRL channel 1


NRL channel 2


NRL channel limit, marks the end of the enumeration

◆ CpNrlFault_e

NRL fault simulation definitions.

The values of the enumeration CpNrlFault_e are used to simulate fault conditions using the function CpNrlFaultSimulation().

The NRL fault simulation is only available if the symbol CP_NRL_FAULT_SIMULATION is set to 1.


No fault


Fault on DCL


Fault on RCL


Fault on both lines

◆ CpNrlLine_e

CAN line definitions.

The values of the enumeration CpNrlLine_e are used to define the active CAN line.


Default CAN line


Redundant CAN line


No CAN line active (e.g. bus-off)

◆ CpNrlState_e

NRL state definitions.

The values of the enumeration CpNrlState_e are used to define the active NRL state.


NRL is in Initialization state


NRL is in Redundancy active state


NRL is in Redundancy passive state


NRL is in Redundancy disabled state


NRL is is disconnected from CAN


NRL is used in non-redundant mode

Function Documentation

◆ CpNrlCoreData()

CpNrlCoreData_ts * CpNrlCoreData ( uint8_t  ubPhyIfV)
[in]ubPhyIfVPhysical interface
Pointer to CpNrlCoreData_ts structure

The function returns a pointer to the CpNrlCoreData_ts structure for the physical CAN interface defined by ubPhyIfV.

The function is required by the CANpie FD driver and shall not be used by the Higher Layer Protocol.

◆ CpNrlMboxCounter()

int16_t CpNrlMboxCounter ( uint8_t  ubNrlChannelV,
uint8_t  ubBufferIdxV 
[in]ubNrlChannelVChannel of Network Redundancy Layer
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
Mailbox counter value

The function returns the current mailbox counter value of the mailbox number defined by the value of ubBufferIdxV. In case the parameter ubNrlChannelV or ubBufferIdxV are out of range the function will return CP_NRL_MAILBOX_COUNTER_UPPER_LIMIT + 1.

◆ CpNrlMboxCounterEvent()

bool_t CpNrlMboxCounterEvent ( uint8_t  ubPhyIfV,
uint8_t  ubBufferIdxV 
[in]ubPhyIfVPhysical interface
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
true if event was processed

The function processes a counter event for the physical CAN interface defined by ubPhyIfV and the mailbox number defined by ubBufferIdxV. If the physical interface is assigned to the DCL the counter variable is incremented. If the physical interface is assigned to the RCL the counter variable is decremented.

The function is implemented inside the CANpie FD driver and shall not be used by the Higher Layer Protocol.

◆ CpNrlMboxFlush()

bool_t CpNrlMboxFlush ( CpPort_ts *  ptsPortV)
[in]ptsPortVPointer to CAN port structure
true if mailboxes are flushed

The function flushes the receive mailboxes of the Active CAN Line (ACL) after a Fault Detection event occurred. The value for the parameter ptsPortV defines which CAN port has to be flushed.

The function is implemented inside the CANpie FD driver and shall not be used by the Higher Layer Protocol.

◆ CpNrlMboxTickEvent()

void CpNrlMboxTickEvent ( void  )

The function is called inside CpNrlTimerEvent() within the defined cycle period of CP_NRL_TIMER_PERIOD. Inside the CANpie FD driver the function is responsible to decrement the timer ticks associated to each mailbox.

The function is implemented inside the CANpie FD driver and shall not be used by the Higher Layer Protocol.

◆ CpNrlMboxTickLoad()

bool_t CpNrlMboxTickLoad ( uint8_t  ubPhyIfV,
uint8_t  ubBufferIdxV 
[in]ubPhyIfVPhysical interface
[in]ubBufferIdxVBuffer number
true if timer tick was reloaded

The function reloads the timer ticks calculated by CpNrlSetTimeout() for the physical CAN interface defined by ubPhyIfV and the mailbox number defined by ubBufferIdxV. The timer ticks for each individual CAN interface and mailbox are decremented to 0 by CpNrlMboxTickEvent using a timer tick value of CP_NRL_TIMER_PERIOD.

The function is implemented inside the CANpie FD driver and shall not be used by the Higher Layer Protocol.

◆ CpNrlRegisterConnectionService()

CpStatus_tv CpNrlRegisterConnectionService ( uint8_t  ubNrlChannelV,
uint32_t  ulIdentifierV,
uint8_t  ubFormatV 
[in]ubNrlChannelVChannel of Network Redundancy Layer
[in]ulIdentifierVIdentifier value
[in]ubFormatVMessage format
Error code defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

The function configures the NRL connection service for the the Network Redundancy Layer defined by ubNrlChannelV. The CAN-ID of the DCL is defined by parameter ulIdentifierV, which must be an even value. The CAN-ID of the RCL is set to a value of ulIdentifierV + 1.

◆ CpNrlRegisterDriver()

CpStatus_tv CpNrlRegisterDriver ( uint8_t  ubNrlChannelV,
uint8_t  ubPhyIfDclV,
uint8_t  ubPhyIfRclV,
CpNrlDriver_ts ptsNrlDriverV 
[in]ubNrlChannelVChannel of Network Redundancy Layer
[in]ubPhyIfDclVPhysical interface of Default CAN Line
[in]ubPhyIfRclVPhysical interface of Redundant CAN Line
[in]ptsNrlDriverVPointer to NRL driver structure
Error code defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

The function registers the CANpie driver to the Network Redundancy Layer. It is assigned to the channel defined by ubNrlChannelV, the parameters ubPhyIfDclV and ubPhyIfRclV are used to assign the physical CAN interfaces of the driver to the Default CAN Line (DLC) and Redundant CAN Line (RCL).

The function requires that the CAN channels are not already assigned by another application. The CAN channels must not be equal. In addition, all functions of the CpNrlDriver_ts structure have to be assigned.

◆ CpNrlRegisterHandler()

CpStatus_tv CpNrlRegisterHandler ( uint8_t  ubNrlChannelV,
CpNrlStateHandler_Fn  pfnStateHandlerV 
[in]ubNrlChannelVChannel of Network Redundancy Layer
[in]pfnStateHandlerVPointer to callback function
Error code defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function will install a callback routine inside the NRL processing for the specified channel ubNrlChannelV. The handler is released by setting pfnStateHandlerV to NULL. A registered handler function is called upon state change of the NRL.

◆ CpNrlSendConnectionService()

CpStatus_tv CpNrlSendConnectionService ( uint8_t  ubNrlChannelV)
[in]ubNrlChannelVChannel of Network Redundancy Layer
Error code defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function triggers the transmission of the NRL connection service. The purpose of the function is verification of the CAN connection schema (DCL/RCL). Since the NRL connection service can modify the NRL state machine it shall be used sparingly.

◆ CpNrlSetDeviationLimit()

CpStatus_tv CpNrlSetDeviationLimit ( uint8_t  ubNrlChannelV,
uint8_t  ubLimitV 
[in]ubNrlChannelVChannel of Network Redundancy Layer
[in]ubLimitVCounter deviation limit value
Error code defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function configures the deviation limit value of the Network Redundancy Layer defined by ubNrlChannelV.

◆ CpNrlSetRecoveryTime()

CpStatus_tv CpNrlSetRecoveryTime ( uint8_t  ubNrlChannelV,
uint32_t  ulMicroSecondsV 
[in]ubNrlChannelVChannel of Network Redundancy Layer
[in]ulMicroSecondsVTimeout value in microseconds
Error code defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function configures the recovery timeout value for the specified channel ubNrlChannelV. The value ulMicroSecondsV is given in multiples of 1 micro-second.

◆ CpNrlSetTimeout()

CpStatus_tv CpNrlSetTimeout ( uint8_t  ubNrlChannelV,
uint32_t  ulMicroSecondsV 
[in]ubNrlChannelVChannel of Network Redundancy Layer
[in]ulMicroSecondsVTimeout value in microseconds
Error code defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function configures the mailbox timeout value for the specified channel ubNrlChannelV. The value ulMicroSecondsV is given in multiples of 1 micro-second.

◆ CpNrlState()

CpStatus_tv CpNrlState ( uint8_t  ubNrlChannelV,
CpNrlState_ts ptsStateV 
[in]ubNrlChannelVChannel of Network Redundancy Layer
[in]ptsStateVPointer to NRL state structure
Error code defined by the CpErr_e enumeration. If no error occurred, the function will return the value eCP_ERR_NONE.

This function retrieves the present state of the NRL channel defined by ubNrlChannelV. The parameter ptsStateV is a pointer to a memory location where the function will store the state.

◆ CpNrlTimerEvent()

void CpNrlTimerEvent ( uint8_t  ubNrlChannelV)
[in]ubNrlChannelVChannel of Network Redundancy Layer

This function must be called cyclically by a timer resource of the target system. It is responsible to execute the internal NRL process for the channel defined by ubNrlChannelV. The cycle time is defined in microseconds by the symbol CP_NRL_TIMER_PERIOD.

Variable Documentation

◆ tsNrlDriverG


The global structure for CANpie FD driver registration is typically defined inside the specific CANpie FD driver implementation. The variable can be used inside the application during initialisation if no other approach is used.

Status_tv CosNrlInit(uint8_t ubNrlChannelV, uint8_t ubPhyIfDclV, uint8_t ubPhyIfRclV, CpNrlDriver_ts *ptsNrlDriverV)
CpNrlDriver_ts tsNrlDriverG