CANopen Slave Documentation
Version 7.00.00
The Hardware Description Interface provides a method to gather information about the CAN hardware and the functionality of the driver. The hardware description structure is available for every physical CAN channel.
Data Fields | |
uint8_t | ubVersionMajor |
uint8_t | ubVersionMinor |
uint8_t | ubCanFeatures |
uint8_t | ubDriverFeatures |
uint8_t | ubBufferMax |
uint8_t | ubDriverMajor |
uint8_t | ubDriverMinor |
uint8_t | ubReserved [1] |
uint32_t | ulTimeStampRes |
uint32_t | ulCanClock |
uint32_t | ulBitRateMin |
uint32_t | ulBitRateMax |
int32_t | slNomBitRate |
int32_t | slDatBitRate |
int32_t CpHdi_s::slDatBitRate |
The element slDatBitRate is only valid for ISO CAN FD controller. The value defines the actual configured bit-rate of the data phase in bits-per-second (bps).
int32_t CpHdi_s::slNomBitRate |
The element slNomBitRate defines the actual configured bit-rate of the CAN controller in bits-per-second (bps). For ISO CAN FD the value defines the bit-rate of the arbitration phase.
uint8_t CpHdi_s::ubBufferMax |
The element ubBufferMax defines the total number of CAN message buffers (mailboxes).
uint8_t CpHdi_s::ubCanFeatures |
The element ubCanFeatures defines the capabilities of the CAN controller. Reserved bit values are read as 0.
uint8_t CpHdi_s::ubDriverFeatures |
The element ubDriverFeatures defines the capabilities of the software driver. Reserved bit values are read as 0.
uint8_t CpHdi_s::ubDriverMajor |
Major version number of driver
uint8_t CpHdi_s::ubDriverMinor |
Minor version number of driver
uint8_t CpHdi_s::ubReserved[1] |
reserved element (alignment)
uint8_t CpHdi_s::ubVersionMajor |
Major version number of CANpie API
uint8_t CpHdi_s::ubVersionMinor |
Minor version number of CANpie API
uint32_t CpHdi_s::ulBitRateMax |
The element ulBitRateMax defines the highest configurable bit-rate in bits-per-second (bps). The value is specified through the used CAN transceiver.
uint32_t CpHdi_s::ulBitRateMin |
The element ulBitRateMin defines the lowest configurable bit-rate in bits-per-second (bps). The value is specified through the used CAN transceiver.
uint32_t CpHdi_s::ulCanClock |
Clock rate of CAN controller in Hertz.
uint32_t CpHdi_s::ulTimeStampRes |
Resolution of optional time stamp in nano-seconds.