CANopen Slave Documentation
Version 7.00.00
No Matches
cos710.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This module covers the Application Mode (AM) functionality of the specification CiA 710 (Generic CANopen bootloader). Support of the Generic CANopen bootloader is enabled by setting the symbol COS_BOOTLOADER_SUPPORT to 1.

The following table shows all objects supported for AM.

Index Description Function / Variable Configuration Symbol
1F5Ah Application security access Cos710_Idx1F5A() COS_BOOTLOADER_SUPPORT
1F5Bh Mode switch timeout counter Cos710_Idx1F5B() COS_BOOTLOADER_SUPPORT
1F5Ch Bootloader mode switch Cos710_Idx1F5C() COS_BOOTLOADER_SUPPORT

Please note that also CANopen Bootloader is required which supports the Bootloader Mode (BM), e.g. the CANopen Bootloader protocol stack.

+ Include dependency graph for cos710.h:

Data Structures

struct  CosBootloaderSeed_s
struct  CosBootloaderKey_s


typedef struct CosBootloaderSeed_s CosBootloaderSeed_ts
typedef struct CosBootloaderKey_s CosBootloaderKey_ts


enum  CosBootloaderEvent_e {


void CosBootloaderConfirmAppStop (void)
void CosBootloaderEvent (uint8_t ubBootloaderEventV)
void CosBootloaderGetSeed (CosBootloaderSeed_ts *ptsServerSeedV)
void CosBootloaderRequestAppStop (void)
void CosBootloaderStart (void)
bool_t CosBootloaderValidateKey (CosBootloaderKey_ts *ptsClientKeyV, CosBootloaderSeed_ts *ptsServerSeedV)

Typedef Documentation

◆ CosBootloaderKey_ts

The structure CosBootloaderKey_s describes the key structure prepared by the client, i.e. the CANopen bootloader tool. It is used by CosBootloaderValidateKey().

◆ CosBootloaderSeed_ts

The structure CosBootloaderSeed_s describes the seed structure prepared by the server, i.e. the CANopen Slave application. It is used by CosBootloaderGetSeed() and CosBootloaderValidateKey().

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CosBootloaderEvent_e

The possible values for Bootloader events are listed in this enumeration. The function CosBootloaderEvent() is called to inform the application about possible events.


Security access granted


Security access expired


Application is busy

Function Documentation

◆ CosBootloaderConfirmAppStop()

void CosBootloaderConfirmAppStop ( void )
See also

This function is called by the application to confirm a request to stop the application. An example implementation is shown by CosBootloaderRequestAppStop().

◆ CosBootloaderEvent()

void CosBootloaderEvent ( uint8_t ubBootloaderEventV)
[in]ubBootloaderEventVBootloader event
The code located in the file cos_user.c provides an example and has to be adopted to the application.

This function is called by the protocol stack in case of the following events:

  • Security access granted
  • Security access denied
  • Application busy

Possible values for parameter ubBootloaderEventV are defined by the enumeration CosBootloaderEvent_e.

void CosBootloaderEvent(uint8_t ubBootloaderEventV)
switch (ubBootloaderEventV)

◆ CosBootloaderGetSeed()

void CosBootloaderGetSeed ( CosBootloaderSeed_ts * ptsServerSeedV)
[out]ptsServerSeedVPointer to seed structure
See also
The code located in the file cos_user.c provides an example and has to be adopted to the application.

This function copies a random seed to the structure of parameter ptsSeedV for calculation of a key which is required for Bootloader security access. This function is called by the protocol stack upon read access to object 1F5Ah (Application security access).

#include <stdlib.h> // for rand() function call
typedef struct MySeed_s {
int32_t slRandom;
uint32_t ulSerial;
} MySeed_ts;
// copy a random seed to the structure ptsSeedV
MySeed_ts *ptsMySeedT;
ptsMySeedT = (MySeed_ts *) ptsSeedV;
ptsMySeedT->slRandom = rand();
ptsMySeedT->ulSerial = CosMgrGetSerialNumber();

◆ CosBootloaderRequestAppStop()

void CosBootloaderRequestAppStop ( void )
The code located in the file cos_user.c provides an example and has to be adopted to the application.

This function is called by the protocol stack upon writing the value B3h to object 1F5Ch (Bootloader mode switch). The function is application specific and shall stop all application critical functions before entering the bootloader mode (BM).

// shutdown the application here, e.g.
// - switch active outputs off
// - stop drive
// - store data in memory
// confirm the shutdown request

◆ CosBootloaderStart()

void CosBootloaderStart ( void )
The code located in the file cos_user.c provides an example and has to be adopted to the application.

This function is called by the protocol stack in case the Mode switch timeout counter (data object 1F5Bh) has expired. The function shall shutdown the CANopen Slave protocol stack and jump to the bootloader.

An example implementation is shown here:

// shutdown the CANopen Slave protocol stack
// Jump to bootloader by using the McIapJumpToBoot() function call or any custom specific function

◆ CosBootloaderValidateKey()

bool_t CosBootloaderValidateKey ( CosBootloaderKey_ts * ptsClientKeyV,
CosBootloaderSeed_ts * ptsServerSeedV )
[in]ptsClientKeyVPointer to client key structure
[in]ptsServerSeedVPointer to server seed structure
true if key is valid, otherwise false
See also
The code located in the file cos_user.c provides an example and has to be adopted to the application.

This function validates the client key given by ptsClientKeyV against the server seed defined by parameter ptsServerSeedV. The function shall return true in case the validation is successful, otherwise it shall return false. In case the validation is successful, access to the protected data objects 1F5Bh (Mode switch timeout counter) and 1F5Ch (Bootloader mode switch) is granted.

This function is called by the protocol stack upon write access to object 1F5Ah (Application security access).

bool_t CosBootloaderValidateKey(CosBootloaderKey_ts * ptsClientKeyV, CosBootloaderSeed_ts * ptsServerSeedV)
bool_t btResultT = false;
if ( (ptsClientKeyV != (CosBootloaderKey_ts *) 0L) && (ptsServerSeedV != (CosBootloaderSeed_ts *) 0L) )
// perform check here and set 'btResultT' to true in case the check pass
return (btResultT);