CANopen Master Documentation
Version 6.06.04
No Matches
ComNode_s Struct Reference

Detailed Description

The structure ComNode_s keeps information about a CANopen device with a specific node-ID. In fact it holds a copy of several values from a CANopen slave device.

The elements within this structure are not ordered by index, they are ordered by data type (starting with unit32_t) in order to allow better packing, thus avoiding unaligned access.

+ Collaboration diagram for ComNode_s:

Data Fields

uint32_t ulIdx1000_DT
uint32_t ulIdx1010_SP
uint32_t ulIdx1011_RP
uint32_t ulIdx1018_VI
uint32_t ulIdx1018_PC
uint32_t ulIdx1018_RN
uint32_t ulIdx1018_SN
uint16_t uwIdx1017_HB
uint8_t ubIdx1001_ER
uint8_t aubIdx1008_DN [COM_NODE_DEVICE_NAME_SIZE]
uint32_t ulIdx1F81_SA
uint32_t ulIdx1F84_DT
uint32_t ulIdx1F85_VI
uint32_t ulIdx1F86_PC
uint32_t ulIdx1F87_RN
uint32_t ulIdx1F88_SN

Field Documentation

◆ aubIdx1008_DN

uint8_t ComNode_s::aubIdx1008_DN[COM_NODE_DEVICE_NAME_SIZE]

Device name

◆ ubIdx1001_ER

uint8_t ComNode_s::ubIdx1001_ER

Error Register

◆ ulIdx1000_DT

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1000_DT

Device type

◆ ulIdx1010_SP

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1010_SP

Store parameters

◆ ulIdx1011_RP

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1011_RP

Restore parameters

◆ ulIdx1018_PC

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1018_PC

Product code

◆ ulIdx1018_RN

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1018_RN

Revision number

◆ ulIdx1018_SN

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1018_SN

Serial number

◆ ulIdx1018_VI

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1018_VI

Vendor identification

◆ ulIdx1F81_SA

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1F81_SA

NMT slave assignment.

This object shall assign CANopen devices to the NMT master, the device that shall implement this object. Each sub-index of this object shall correspond to the node-ID of the according CANopen device in the network. The sub-index corresponding to its own node-ID shall be ignored.

NMT Slave (Bit 0)

Bit Value Description
0 0 NMT master or not available in the network
0 1 NMT slave and available in the network

◆ ulIdx1F84_DT

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1F84_DT

Device type identification.

This object is used for verification of the device type of the CANopen devices in the network. The device type (object 1000h) of the CANopen device in the network shall be matched against the value of this object in case the value is unequal 0. An error event shall be generated if the values mismatch. In case the value of this object is 0 the device type of the CANopen device in the network may not be verified.

◆ ulIdx1F85_VI

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1F85_VI

Vendor identification.

This object shall be used for verification of the vendor-ID of the CANopen devices in the network. The vendor-ID (object 1018h:01h) of the CANopen device in the network shall be matched against the value of this object in case the value is unequal 0. An error event shall be generated if the values mismatch. In case the value of this object is 0 the vendor-ID of the CANopen device in the network may not be verified.

◆ ulIdx1F86_PC

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1F86_PC

Product code identification.

This object shall be used for verification of the product code of the CANopen devices in the network. The product code (object 1018h:02h) of the CANopen device in the network shall be matched against the value of this object in case the value is unequal 0. An error event shall be generated if the values mismatch. In case the value of this object is 0 the product code of the CANopen device in the network may not be verified.

◆ ulIdx1F87_RN

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1F87_RN

Revision number identification.

This object shall be used for verification of the revision number of the CANopen devices in the network. The revision number (object 1018h:03h) of the CANopen device in the network shall be matched against the value of this object in case the value is unequal 0. An error event shall be generated if the values mismatch. A mismatch is defined as:

  • the major revision number is unequal to the expected major revision number
  • the minor revision number is less than the expected minor revision number

In case the value of this object is 0 the revision number of the CANopen device in the network shall not be verified.

◆ ulIdx1F88_SN

uint32_t ComNode_s::ulIdx1F88_SN

Serial number identification.

This object shall be used for verification of the serial number of the CANopen devices in the network. The serial number (object 1018h:04h) of the CANopen device in the network shall be matched against the value of this object in case the value is unequal 0. An error event shall be generated if the values mismatch. In case the value of this object is 0 the serial number of the CANopen device in the network may not be verified.

◆ uwIdx1017_HB

uint16_t ComNode_s::uwIdx1017_HB

Heartbeat producer