CANopen Master Documentation
Version 6.06.04
No Matches
com_dict_master.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This file implements an local object dictionary for the CANopen Master protocol stack. The following table shows all objects supported by this example.

Index Name Function
1000h device type ComIdx1000_DeviceType()
1001h error register ComIdx1001_ErrorReg()
1005h COB-ID SYNC ComIdx1005_SyncId()
1006h communication cycle period ComIdx1006_SyncCycle()
1014h COB-ID EMCY ComIdx1014_EmcyId()
1015h EMCY inhibit time ComIdx1015_EmcyInhibit()
1016h consumer heartbeat time ComIdx1016_ConsHbTmr()
1017h producer heartbeat time ComIdx1017_ProdHbTmr()
1018h identity object ComIdx1018_Identity()
1019h SYNC counter overflow value ComIdx1019_SyncCounter()
102Ah NMT inhibit time ComIdx102A_NmtInhibit()
1F62h NRL Configuration ComIdx1F62_NrlConfig()
1F63h NRL Monitoring ComIdx1F63_NrlMonitor()
1F80h NMT startup ComIdx1F80_NmtStartup()
1F81h NMT slave assignment ComIdx1F81_NmtSlaveAssign()
1F82h Request NMT ComIdx1F82_NmtRequest()
1F84h Device type identification ComIdx1F84_DevTypeId()
1F85h Vendor identification ComIdx1F85_VendorId()
1F86h Product code ComIdx1F86_ProdCode()
1F87h Revision number ComIdx1F87_RevisionNr()
1F88h Serial number ComIdx1F88_SerialNr()
1F90h NMT flying master timing ComIdx1F90_FlyingMaster()
1F91h Self starting nodes timing ComIdx1F91_SelfTiming()

The table is added to the CANopen Master stack by means of the ComDictAddList() function.

// Initialize the CANopen Master stack with address 1, bit-rate 500 kBit/s
// add local object dictionary
Definition canpie.h:677
Definition canpie.h:732
@ eCOM_NET_1
Definition com_defs.h:723
ComStatus_tv ComDictAddList(uint8_t ubNetV, ComDicEntry_ts *ptsDictListV)
ComDicEntry_ts atsComDictMasterTableG[]
Definition com_mgr.h:94
ComStatus_tv ComMgrInit(uint8_t ubCanIfV, uint8_t ubNetV, uint8_t ubBitrateNomSelV, uint8_t ubNodeIdV, uint32_t ulModeV)
+ Include dependency graph for com_dict_master.h:


ComDicEntry_ts atsComDictMasterTableG []

Variable Documentation

◆ atsComDictMasterTableG

ComDicEntry_ts atsComDictMasterTableG[]

This table holds all objects supported by the CANopen master stack.