CANopen Slave Documentation
Version 7.00.00
Macros | |
#define | EMCY_ERR_NONE ((uint16_t) 0x0000) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_GENERIC ((uint16_t) 0x1000) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_VOLT_GENERAL ((uint16_t) 0x3000) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_TEMP_GENERAL ((uint16_t) 0x4000) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_TEMP_DEVICE ((uint16_t) 0x4200) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_HW_GENERIC ((uint16_t) 0x5000) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_SW_GENERIC ((uint16_t) 0x6000) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_MONITORING ((uint16_t) 0x8000) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_COMMUNICATION ((uint16_t) 0x8100) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_CAN_OVERRUN ((uint16_t) 0x8110) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_CAN_ERROR_PASSIVE ((uint16_t) 0x8120) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_CAN_LIFEGUARD ((uint16_t) 0x8130) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_CAN_BUSOFF_RECOVER ((uint16_t) 0x8140) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_CAN_TX_COB_COLLISION ((uint16_t) 0x8150) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_NRL_PASSIVE_USE_DCL ((uint16_t) 0x8180) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_NRL_PASSIVE_USE_RCL ((uint16_t) 0x8181) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL ((uint16_t) 0x8200) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL_PDO ((uint16_t) 0x8210) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL_PDO_EXCEED ((uint16_t) 0x8220) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL_PDO_MPDO ((uint16_t) 0x8230) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL_SYNC_LENGTH ((uint16_t) 0x8240) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL_RPDO ((uint16_t) 0x8250) |
#define | EMCY_ERR_DEV_GENERAL ((uint16_t) 0xFF00) |
The EMCY error code is a 16-bit value. The value is used as parameter for the functions CosEmcyErrorRegister() and CosEmcySend().
#define EMCY_ERR_CAN_BUSOFF_RECOVER ((uint16_t) 0x8140) |
Recovered from bus off
#define EMCY_ERR_CAN_ERROR_PASSIVE ((uint16_t) 0x8120) |
CAN in error passive mode
#define EMCY_ERR_CAN_LIFEGUARD ((uint16_t) 0x8130) |
Life guard error or heartbeat error
#define EMCY_ERR_CAN_OVERRUN ((uint16_t) 0x8110) |
CAN overrun (objects lost)
#define EMCY_ERR_CAN_TX_COB_COLLISION ((uint16_t) 0x8150) |
CAN-ID collision
#define EMCY_ERR_COMMUNICATION ((uint16_t) 0x8100) |
Communication - generic
#define EMCY_ERR_DEV_GENERAL ((uint16_t) 0xFF00) |
Device specific - generic error
#define EMCY_ERR_GENERIC ((uint16_t) 0x1000) |
Generic error
#define EMCY_ERR_HW_GENERIC ((uint16_t) 0x5000) |
CANopen device hardware - generic error
#define EMCY_ERR_MONITORING ((uint16_t) 0x8000) |
Monitoring - generic error
#define EMCY_ERR_NONE ((uint16_t) 0x0000) |
Error reset or no error
#define EMCY_ERR_NRL_PASSIVE_USE_DCL ((uint16_t) 0x8180) |
Network Redundancy Layer in error passive mode, DCL is active line
#define EMCY_ERR_NRL_PASSIVE_USE_RCL ((uint16_t) 0x8181) |
Network Redundancy Layer in error passive mode, RCL is active line
#define EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL ((uint16_t) 0x8200) |
Protocol error - generic
#define EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL_PDO ((uint16_t) 0x8210) |
PDO not processed due to length error
#define EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL_PDO_EXCEED ((uint16_t) 0x8220) |
PDO length exceeded
#define EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL_PDO_MPDO ((uint16_t) 0x8230) |
DAM MPDO not processed, destination object not available
#define EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL_RPDO ((uint16_t) 0x8250) |
RPDO timeout
#define EMCY_ERR_PROTOCOL_SYNC_LENGTH ((uint16_t) 0x8240) |
Unexpected SYNC data length
#define EMCY_ERR_SW_GENERIC ((uint16_t) 0x6000) |
CANopen device software - generic error
#define EMCY_ERR_TEMP_DEVICE ((uint16_t) 0x4200) |
Temperature inside the device out of limits
#define EMCY_ERR_TEMP_GENERAL ((uint16_t) 0x4000) |
Generic temperature error
#define EMCY_ERR_VOLT_GENERAL ((uint16_t) 0x3000) |
Generic voltage error