CANopen Slave Documentation
Version 7.00.00
No Matches
STM32H735G-DK board

The CANopen FD Slave protocol stack for the STM32H735G-DK runs on a bit-rate of 500 kBit/s on interface CAN1. Please make sure that:

  • the CAN cable is connected to CN18
  • jumper JP6 is set (termination resistor fitted)

For display of the CANopen network state the example uses the LEDs LD1 (green) and LD3 (red), the symbol COS_LED_SUPPORT is configured to 1.

Board STM32H735G-DK


The example project can be built if the following programs are installed:

Please make sure that the value of WIN_TOOLCHAIN_PATH (for Windows) or UNIX_TOOLCHAIN_PATH (for macOS / Linux) inside the cmake/toolchain-gcc-<version>.cmake file is equal to the install path of the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain.

How to build

Create a local build directory and start the build process within this directory. Make sure to pass the correct toolchain (i.e. GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain) to the CMake process via the parameter -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE. The following examples assume a GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain version 13.2.1.

Debug build

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../../../../../cmake/module/toolchain-gcc-13.2.1.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
cmake --build .

For generation of Classical CANopen code use the following build steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../../../../../cmake/module/toolchain-gcc-13.2.1.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCAN_FD=0 ..
cmake --build .

Under Windows, you may have to add the parameter -G"Unix Makefiles" to the CMake configuration:

cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./../../../../../cmake/module/toolchain-gcc-13.2.1.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

Release build

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../../../../../cmake/module/toolchain-gcc-13.2.1.cmake ..
cmake --build .

Under Windows, you may have to add the parameter -G"Unix Makefiles" to the CMake configuration:

cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./../../../../../cmake/module/toolchain-gcc-13.2.1.cmake ..

Resource requirements

The amount of Flash and RAM is given under the following conditions:

  • Use dynamic PDO mapping with 4 TPDOs and 4 RPDOs
  • Support two physical CAN channels (CP_CHANNEL_MAX = 2)
Protocol Memory size Flash Memory Size RAM
Classic CANopen 21296 8688
CANopen FD 23580 9328

Testing with a CAN monitor tool

Upon reset, the example will transmit a boot-up message using the identifier 70Bh, representing the configured node-ID 11d.

Time-stamp ID Format DLC Data Comment
------------ ---- ------ --- ------------------------ ----------------------------
264304.90365 70B FBFF 1 00 Boot-up, node-ID 11

Writing a value of 100 ms to the heartbeat producer object (1017:00h) shall result in a cycle heartbeat transmission of the device.

Time-stamp ID Format DLC Data Comment
------------ ---- ------ --- ------------------------ ----------------------------
264790.62152 601 FBFF 9 0B 01 01 00 17 10 06 02 Set 1017:00h (heartbeat) to 100 ms
64 00 00 00
264790.62845 58B FBFF 6 01 21 01 00 17 10 USDO response: OK
264790.72971 70B FBFF 1 7F heartbeat, node-ID 11, pre-operational
264790.83066 70B FBFF 1 7F heartbeat, node-ID 11, pre-operational
264790.93252 70B FBFF 1 7F heartbeat, node-ID 11, pre-operational