CANopen Master Documentation
Version 6.06.04
No Matches
Initialization Process

The CANopen Slave is initialized with ComMgrInit(). This routine will setup the CAN controller and initialize all necessary services. Afterwards the stack can be started by calling the ComMgrStart() function.

In summary three steps are necessary to run the CANopen Master:

The initialization functions of the CANopen Slave Protocol Stack have to be executed prior to any other API functions.

Starting in Classical CANopen mode

void MyComInit(void)
// Initialize the CANopen Master stack with address 1, bit-rate 500 kBit/s
// Start the CANopen Master
// now the CANopen Master stack is initialized and has to be triggered by calling
// ComMgrTimerEvent() with a cycle time of COM_TIMER_PERIOD
Definition canpie.h:677
Definition canpie.h:732
@ eCOM_NET_1
Definition com_defs.h:723
Definition com_mgr.h:94
ComStatus_tv ComMgrStart(uint8_t ubNetV)
Start the CANopen Master.
ComStatus_tv ComMgrInit(uint8_t ubCanIfV, uint8_t ubNetV, uint8_t ubBitrateNomSelV, uint8_t ubNodeIdV, uint32_t ulModeV)